Sunday, May 8, 2011

Romans Ch 13 & 14 ~ Authority & Peace with each other

Chapter 13
V 1-7 do focus on submitting to govt authorities. I have however always felt convicted by these verses to submit to anyone placed in authority over me...supervisors, pastors, etc. it has always fascinated me how people in a workplace will not submit to authority. I think as Christians unless we are being asked to do something morally wrong or illegal we are called to ultimately submit to those in authority.

Of course v9...i doubt I love anyone as I love myself. What a thing to strive for.

Chapter 14
Today's chapter seems to primarily speak to getting along with those whose beliefs are different than ours. From the Message: v1 "Welcome with open arms fellow believers who don't see things the way you do." v 4 "Do you have any business crossing people off the guest list or interfering with God's welcome? If there are corrections to be made or manners to be learned, God can handle that without your help". V 17 & 19 "God's kingdom isn't a matter of what you put in your stomach, for goodness sake. It's what God does with your life as he sets it right, puts it together, and completes it with joy. Your task is to single-mindedly serve Christ. ... So let's agree to use all our energy in getting along with each other. Help with encouraging words: don't drag them down by finding fault. You're certainly not going to permit an argument over what is served or not served at supper to wreck God's work among you, are you?" Finally, v 22 & 23 (parts chosen) "Cultivate your own relationship with God, but don't impose it on others. If you notice that you are acting in ways inconsistent with what you believe, then you know that you're out of line. If the way you live isn't consistent with what you believe, then it is wrong".

WHEW! It sounds to me like I need not be concerned from one denomination to the next what the "rules" are. God leads us all to something different based on the convictions he has given us, and it is not my place to judge what he has laid on someone else's heart as correct. I best be concerned with my own self and that I am living as he has called ME to live, and we all need to work together for the greater good, which is telling others about Christ!

Finally, from the NIV, 12 & 13. "So then each of us will give an account of himself to God. Therefore let us stop passing judgment on one another. Instead, make up your own mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in your brother's way". I know I have been a stumbling block to others many times because of my attitude. I truly strive not to "turn my nose up" and what others opinions and beliefs are anymore just because they don't coincide with my own! God is in charge of their heart, not me. The Message adds in verse 4 "Do you have any business crossing people off the guest list or interfering with God's welcome? If there are corrections to be made or manners to be learned, God can handle that without your help". I am the first to think someone cannot possibly be a Christian because of this or that...but it is not my call, is it? It is my call to love them and be at peace with them, not judge them because their beliefs may be different. God can handle it.

1 comment:

  1. Great heart check this morning Erin! Thank you for this post! Happy Mother's Day :)
