For anyone who may have missed it, our lives have changed dramatically here in our home. Chris's mom moved in with us about 6 weeks ago. She has lots of health problems...diabetes, neuropathy, a hip replacement and a hip repair...the list goes on. When we went to see her in Alabama last May, God clearly and plainly said to me "You know what you have to do". It was weird, because for months prior to this, I had been considering going back to work full-time, which I did not want to do. But I went on interviews and gave it my very best effort praying things would work out. The whole time God was saying to me "I got it". Over and over I heard this. All I could think was, "Okay, God, I trust that you've got it taken care of". When we saw his mom in Alabama and I knew she had to come and live with us, the "I got it" voice was gone. She was the answer - not the answer I expected, but the answer. Instead of working full-time, I would be taking care of my mother-in-law.
Over the summer, God provided a new job for me as a part-time Attendance Clerk at one of our local high schools. I LOVE this job. I work with kind people who are friendly and love their jobs, too. I have never had a job before that I didn't immediately think "I wonder how long I can stand this". So I work each day until noon, then I come home and take my MIL to a doctor's appointment. My life is incredibly busy. It is like we added another child to our family. But she is getting better already, and that is wonderful to see.
Most days I am exhausted. Some days I'm irritable and frustrated. When I have those moments of complete and total selfishness, I tell myself that by taking care of my MIL, I am loving Jesus. Matthew 25:40 says "Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me".
Have a restful evening... :)
Happy Birthday Erin! I love what you shared. I can't wait to read more. Have a wonderful day!